Private Listings for San Felipe, Baja, Mexico

San Felipe, Baja, Mexico

Map of San Felipe Area Map of the San Felipe Area Map of San Felipe map of the San Felipe Area Map of the San Felipe Area

Whether you're looking for commercial or residential lots, a simple trailer pad or a large multi-featured home, may help you find a solution.





Click on any of the locations below
to view the listings in their respective area.

El Dorado Property North Campo Property San Felipe Property Property in the Ejido South Campo property San Matias Poperty

Listings for Property and Homes
for Sale in San Felipe, Baja, Mexico

These listing are Baja homes and properties for sale by their owners in San Felipe, El Dorado, the north and south campos and the ejido. Each listing is the responsibility of the home owner. Blueroadrunner does verify any claims nor does it charge any sales percentage from either the seller or buyer. Links to the home owners' email addresses are provided as well as any other contact information that has been provided.

The San Felipe area map to the left is mouse-sensitive in four places. For more detail, click to enlarge each respective portion.

The Mexican Government has turned its attention to northern Baja and plans are now underway to shape San Felipe into a first-class tourist destination. For this reason, there is a rapidly growing interest in San Felipe real estate. Many view the area as a viable alternative to the prohibitive cost of beach-front property north of the border. Others see it as a chance to dabble in land profiteering. In any case, the area offers attractive opportunities for vacation retreats, retirement living and both short or long-term land investments. Property ownership has several forms. Fideicomiso (Bank Trust) , Mexican Corporation purchases and land leases are the most common methods in San Felipe.


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