San Felipe's Got Talent


San Felipe, Baja, Mexico

The Pavilion Restaurant at the El Dorado Ranch hosted the San Felipe Has Talent variety event this afternoon, organized and sponsored by Las Amigas and their friends.

There was a terrific turnout and a bushel of local talent exercised their theatrical franchise by entertaining a full house with everything from vocals to a classical violin solo.

Spanish love ballads mellowed the crowd before a medley of Swiss/Bavarian accordion tunes. Then came a steamy Blues piece followed by Christian songs and an autoharp solo by Steve Lord. The mix was varied and ranging.

Skits were sprinkled between the vocalists. Then Melina California Fierros took the stage and astounded the audience. The local dentist expertly gave her violin a root canal but instead of complain, the instrument sang like a nightengale.

It was nice to see Dottie Biely rise to her feet and with the aid of a walker, give a little soft-shoe accompaniment to one of the musical performances.

On the whole the entertainment was good and although the atmosphere seemed to lean toward the religious, some of the singers certainly knew how to use their diaphragms.

Cake and refreshments were provided during intermission. The event went smoothly, thanks to the many hours of planning and organizing. Hopefully it will become a yearly ritual.

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