WiMax Installations Begin

San Felipe, Baja, Mexico

Telnor has begun the rollout of its WiMax internet, the technology the phone company has chosen to replace the outdated phone technology used by most campo residents north of San Felipe. Five people have been connected so far (January 13,2012). Their internet speed has been reported to be 1.25 Mbs, a tremendous improvement over the current 1/10th of a meg.

Customer #5 writes:

Good News
Telnor has started installing/upgrading their new internet/phone system. We now have fantastic internet access and a new phone number 688-****. (don't print the number) We will all be getting new phone numbers with the new system. Kind of a pain, but I don't care!!! No more TelCel internet access for us!

The rollout appears to be progressing slowly and those who are numerically parked in the 100's are likely pacing a trough in their rugs. But unless they are newbies to the area, they know things will get done in the fullness of time down here. Hopefully before the Mayan calendar expires.